**** nkd's place ****

This is an action figurine of
Cyan from Show by Rock doll
TODO: Replace this with your character when have one ;w;
More details and previous covers

Welcome... here.

This is a website on which I write random things... Nothing that interesting.

In case you didn't notice, I tried to make it as 2000s as possible. I miss those times... and I hope most of this website can make you feel like you're in those years. Simple webpages, please come back ;w;...
I hope you have fun ^^ And make the 'web more colorful, pls

Select a link or look around

Archive – Articles and stuff. Pages that aren't updated anymore after written, as it seems...
Game reviews – Possibly what you're after. Kinda unfinished and missing things ;w;
Cartoons I like Old stuff, should move elsewhere. Contains names of cartoons I enjoy, and some of my opinions about them.
Random web testsReally what it says. These are random HTML/CSS/JS tests I've done/collected over the years. Some of them made it into the layouts of these pages, and some others are just for show.
Things I'm looking for – It is a list for some stuff I've been unable to get on my own... If you can help, please do ^^
AboutSome kind of FAQ or QnA ("FAQ" would be wrong to say, because I was not asked any questions yet; I have to make up most of them myself)
Newsfor What's New
MiscThings that don't really fit anywhere
Contactfor whatever reason, but I don't know about that.
Links – to the outside websites. The websites aren't maintained by me, so I can't say for sure they're safe, but at last access time they were.
→Secret – Shh SiteMapin case you want to see everything as a whole
To DoNote to self: make the page this time (TODO, yeah) I did it, finally :3 Yay!

!! Everything written on this website is intended for informational purposes !! You don't have to agree with me on everyhing and you don't have to do what I say. I never claim to know better than anyone, if I say that I do, it's meant to be taken as a joke!! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the read^^
if you're here from the carrd website (or any other place), first of all, welcome!! Welcome to whatever this place is supposed to be ;w; I use this website as a playground to use HTML and such in hopefully useful ways (many times not useful (I said 'use' too many times, ops)), and I also write my thoughts and all kinds of stuff here. Please mind the dates, I can't stress this enough; I have many things either I or Sk wrote a whole bunch of time ago when we didn't understand much or I wasn't in a good place mentally, and we may have changed in the meantime (Sk maybe not, but don't worry about them). other than that, thank you so much for checking this out!! I hope you enjoy your stay (heart emoji)
Website has moved to
Please change the links to it ^^

Lastest updates, yay

2024-01-13 06:49AM - No update for what feels like years ;w;
tbh I've not done much for this website recently, and that is because,,, I've not been feeling well (what a surprise)
Anyway, I've been focused on some other things, but I've not forgotten that I have a website that needs some moving to another webhost, that part still needs to be dealt with ;w;
Other than that, yep, it seems I've been active in other places than this website, unfortunately,,, Some day I need to look into things that need to be done and make (yet another) TODO list or something, because there are way too many things that I need to do for this website and I can't keep track of all of them lol
Don't mind me, I'm just rambling about the website things, haven't done so in a while ^^
Some webpage idea I had for some time was to make a webpage about games that I can run with Linux (yes, I'm still using that, after all this time, lol) with the Wine program thing; so far NSML, RVGL[1], and GTA:SA (with mods) worked pretty well for me ^^ And also Jazz1 for DOS, and NyanPara and its extra things worked too. Some day I'll try Touhou 6 (not in Proton, in Wine instead) and the thpatch thing, but with vpatch and d3d8tod9, and see the results. There was someone who said they'd help me with this, but they're taking too long and I miss them ;w; (they've seemingly disappeared, and haven't used the Steam Deck in a while, but hopefully they'll be back soon ^^ If you think that's you, dw, it's someone else,,, it's likely you don't know them,,, If it so happens that it's you who I was talking about,,, uhh,,, hi there ^^ please, when you have some time, please try what I'll tell you about and tell me if it works, please TwT I know it's a difficult process, but I can't do it myself because, y'know, I would've done it already, the moment you told me it doesn't work, and I know for sure it _does_ work, because it _should_ work, lol), I'll have to remember to set up a guide for what I did to get them to work, so you can do the same too. It's not much difficult tbh, just need to know what command to run, and you can make `.desktop` file or `.sh` file if you don't wanna run the command all the time, or idk, you can add as non-Steam game I think
but y'know, pretty much all computers are different and all have different specs and stuff, so I'm looking forward to some day get one of those Steam Deck things (not Stream), that should be able to run the PC games the same way as other Steam Deck things would, and I won't have to tell you things are going to look different or whatever
And also, VMs! That was another thing! I remember I wanted to set up a VM with some old shells or whatever and try them out, but that didn't happen yet, I got into other things and forgot, I'm sorry ;w; Can't remember where I put the text file with some ideas I had, I'll try to search for it again ^^ Against any exceptations, the OS isn't gonna be WinXP, Win7, Win10, it's gonna be Win8.1 because that's the last 'good' OS that M$ made; it's not Win7, even tho that's the best one, because many things that I needed didn't work on it last time I tried ;w; and I didn't give Win8.1 a proper try in my time (I skipped from Win7 to Win10, tried to install Win8.1 on a computer but it didn't support it or something, so I gave up and installed Win10 on that; can't remember what happened to it tho). I should also try the Classic 'Theme' on it, because the current Windowses are quite a mess and break more often than not
I was also going to make a big ol' list with pretty much all games that could be found on the CartoonNetwork.com, co.uk, asia, india, africa, and com.au, websites, and maybe some others, but,,, uhh,,, that didn't happen either, sorry again ;w;
Also was gonna make a list of GTA:SA mods that I use, some list of software that may be useful, and idk what else ;w; feel free to contact me if you may be interested in having me continue any of those or helping out or anything else ^^
Other than that, pretty late to say this but I uploaded some videos on the old YT channel and new YT channel, nothing much, just some test videos I had around ^^ and also streamed some GTA:SA on twitch channel :3
Also also, I had a whole bunch of website links to add to Links; oh boi I'm remembering things, that's good :3 (what's not as good is that I can't do it atm, and will likely forget to do it later ;w;;;;; )
2023-11-08 - so a few days ago I wrote about anime sidekicks characters in anime (2023-11-04), and I tried to write it in a writing style that some neocity website had, allOVer tHEPLAce yaknow :3 I'm also gonna maybe starting to writing about anime that I watch, this first one I watched from boredom but I continued it for some episodes, and now I have to watch it from beginning to write more about it ;w; It is not something I wanna name easily (2023-11-08), so idk where to put it, along with the other webpages I maybe am gonna make about the same category...
speakin' of which, the website I wanted to put the sidekicks characters in anime is not around anymore, or at least the website doesn't work for some reason, I made that webpage simply as an (not so good) example of what I do on my website, but now idk what to do or where to mirror my website at ;w; tilde.town requires SSH, which I'm not so good at, despite you maybe thinking I'd be good at this but nah, I'd prefer FTP or something related to it, I don't know this fancy SSH they be talking about unfortunately ;w; So, if you have or know someone who has some server that I can access with FTP and upload files that may be shared onto the Internettt please ples plssss let me know pleaseeee TwT
And ye, I know I still haven't done things, idk, but maybe this will remind me to put that alternate index webpage link somewhere on the current home page, hopefully
2023-10-04 05:50AM - ho boi, today I had to make a new webpage for the News entry ;w;
Anyway, other than that, not much unfortunately, or at least nothing that I can think of at this moment, _however_ soon enough I'll get off my a55 and do something with the silly alternate index webpage thing that I kept talking about, and the discrod server I kept mentioning, and, and... I'll have to go through the previous entries and write up some TODO list because I get lost so many times by the amount of things that need to get done and I don't even know where to start ;w;
Oh right, I changed the 404-page and added an image to it, same for the 403-page one. I know I should've made 'em more descriptive, now that I think about it, but maybe another time *shrug*
(2023-09-22) - Adding this entry and the next page so I don't have to do it the 'next' time, whenever that is
Anyway, I'm back :3 kinda. Who knows for how long or if I'll come back after this
If you thought I wouldn't come back after what happened last time, tough luck
am just gonna link to the twitch and the alternative index webpage thing again, in case I get to use them again. I'll change the link for the alternative index soon once I figure out how things work
Besides that, gonna make a discord server too :3 It'll not really be about this website tho
Gotta work on the website with the cool and amazing peeps I've met ^^ I'll also ask them if they wanna join the discord server once it's made :3
Other than this, hmm, I need to get working on some todo list or something, because there's so so so many things I need to get workin' on ;w;
Last months were not that eventful tbh, I don't really feel better than previous months and I've not done much related to this website TwT

So, let's see more

Currently looking for - a better web host, please; more free time; motivation

Other places I can be found at besides the Contact webpage - Carrd, Also my Carrd website mirror thing here, Also alternative index webpage thing, Github, Twitta, Twitch, Mastodon, YouTube, Discord, Steam, Skype, More to be added
If you see me elsewhere than what is listed, it's either not used or that's not me
If I ever said anything in support of ntfs, that's defo not me
(Links with that arrow open in a new tab, text with the dots below have text that can be seen after you put the mouse on the text)

The support me webpage
Got around finally making it ^^
At the time of this writing,
I don't know if it works or not,
but I hope it does ^^

Currently it doesn't ;;

Oh boi, this website might have been linked to from a website that I don't maintain. Oh no, but this website is unfinished, what am I gonna do, aaaaaaaa ;w;
Despite the unfinishedness, I hope you enjoy your stay! ^^

As always, this webpage (and the website as a whole) is Under Construction! Betcha didn't expect that ^^

Update the website you might say...

I'm sorry, I don't have time...

This webpage (and others) has been tested in horizontal resolution of 640 pixels or more, and a web browser (any suitable one; I think the text-based ones should work too, but I've not tested)

More info at Web Banners

Feel free to link to my home page
More info at the Links webpage

Write to me here
~nkd 2019~2021